The Order of Light

We are seekers of truth and understanding of the true nature of our existence and the reality that we find ourselves in.

The Order of Light avoids promoting any dogma but does make some logical assumptions, recognizes well supported facts, tentatively accepts some probabilities and explores a wide range of theories.

We realize that our ability to comprehend greater truths is tied to the expansion and development of our consciousness. The greater our knowledge and the deeper our comprehension the better we can pose questions and contemplate potential answers.

Following is our ever evolving creed:
  • We recognize the likelihood of intelligent design of the universe and consider the chance that it simply appeared on its own as very remote. We also recognize that life and consciousness evolve.
  • We question the legitimacy and divinity of the ancient gods of various religions. We do not worship any deities.
  • We recognize the value of some spiritual traditions and seek a better understanding of ancient religious and esoteric beliefs and to apply and integrate such information when it is useful and beneficial.
  • We recognize the existence of an animating life-force and seek a greater understanding of its true nature and ultimate source. We seek to resonate with this life-force, incorporate it into our daily lives and become a more pure expression of it.
  • We accept the existence of non-visible and inter-dimensional entities and seek a better understanding of their nature and ways to communicate with some of them. We recognize the malevolent nature of some such entities and the need to avoid them.
  • We recognize the postmortem continuity of consciousness and that the human mind can and does exist outside the brain. We consider the theory of reincarnation as probable but take the position that far more needs to be understood about reincarnation and that an alternate perspective may yield a more accurate framework for a greater comprehension of the phenomenon.
  • We recognize the non-physical transference of information between humans, animals and the quantum realm and that mind-matter entanglement does occur. We seek a better understanding of such phenomenon and to utilize it in our daily lives.
  • We take the position that important questions about the fundamental nature of our existence should continue to be posed and that new and better answers should be sought as our knowledge expands and our ability to comprehend the answers increases.
  • We revere nature and endeavor to create a new human culture which is more closely aligned and integrated with the Earth's natural ecosystems and the life-force.
  • We adhere to a truly scientific approach of experimentation, compilation and analysis of data and critical exploration of unproven theories, but also recognize the value of some subjective data and human experience.
  • We recognize that humanity is causing the most rapid extinction of life in our planet's history and that radical and fundamental change to human culture is essential if humanity is to be spared its own substantial depopulation and possible extinction.
  • We sincerely believe that it is damaging and therefore wrong to inject the human body with toxic substances and potentially harmful biological agents, including some vaccines and especially those which genetically alter human cells or interfere with normal human bodily functions. We further believe that it is better to strengthen the human immune system and resolve any underlying emotional issues that might negatively impact health before considering interventions that may cause adverse reactions or damage the human body in any way.
  • We wholeheartedly support the principles enunciated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Order of Light Mission

Our mission is to:
  • Investigate and comprehend the true nature of the human existence.
  • Develop an effective, evolving and sustainable cultural framework based on a greater knowledge and understanding of reality.
  • Develop the means for humanity and other species to survive a collapse of human civilization and Earth's ecosystems.
  • Facilitate the expansion of the consciousness and well-being of our members.
Learn more about us

2025 The Order of Light

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